Privacy Policy


This privacy policy aims to inform you of the conditions under which your personal data are processed within the framework of:

  1. Browsing the website;
  2. Management of commercial activities;
  3. Management of recruitment.

We inform you that the personal data processing that Groupe Videlio or one of its entities implements is carried out in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (hereinafter ” GDPR “), on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and with law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended, on information technology, files, and freedoms.


Groupe Videlio:

  • The company Videlio – whose registered office is located at 141, avenue des Grésillons, 92230 Gennevilliers – represented by Xavier Renaud;
  • The company Videlio Events – whose registered office is located at 141, avenue des Grésillons, 92230 Gennevilliers – represented by Guillaume Durieux;
  • The company Videlio HMS – whose registered office is located at 25/27, rue Louis Breguet, 44600 Saint-Nazaire – represented by Christophe Grignon.

We: Groupe Videlio or one of its entities, depending on the context.

You: Users of the website

Website: The website accessible via the URL

Personal data: Any information that can identify you, either directly or indirectly. For example: a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, etc.

Data controller: The private or public organization that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of processing.

Recipient: The natural or legal person who receives communication of personal data.

Processor: Any service provider who processes personal data on behalf of the data controller, solely under instruction and authority of said data controller.

Contact details of the Data Protection Officer

Groupe Videlio has appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) with the CNIL, who can be contacted:

You can contact him regarding any questions relating to the processing of your personal data and the exercise of your rights.

Your rights

You can access your data, object to the processing of this data, rectify it or have it erased. You also have the right to limit the processing of your data.

If you have consented to the processing of your personal data, you can withdraw your consent at any time.

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the CNIL by visiting its website ( or by mail at the following address: CNIL – 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.


Identity and contact details of the data controller

In the context of browsing the Website, personal data processing is jointly implemented by all entities of Groupe Videlio.

Purposes of the processing

1) Management of contact requests

Your personal data is processed in order to respond to requests that you send us via the contact forms or the online chat that we provide on the Website.

The personal data processing implemented for this purpose is based on the execution of pre-contractual measures.

Fields marked with an asterisk must be filled in.

2) Management of events

Your personal data is processed to register you for the events we organize or to send you the white papers we publish.

The personal data processing implemented for this purpose is based on our legitimate interest, namely [XXX].

Fields marked with an asterisk must be filled in.

3) Production of website audience statistics

Website audience statistics are produced from your personal data, solely for the purpose of analyzing the navigation path to improve the site or detect anomalies.

The personal data processing implemented for this purpose is based on your consent. For this purpose, the collection of your personal data is therefore optional.

Your consent is collected when we ask you to authorize the use of cookies during your first visit to the Site.

Duration of personal data retention

Purpose of the processing Retention period
Management of contact requests 3 years from the last contact
Management of events 3 years from the last contact
Production of audience statistics 25 months

Recipients of personal data

The personal data collected in the context of browsing the Website are accessible:

Internally Commercial Management
Marketing & Communication Management
Information Systems Management
Externally Editors of the following solutions: customer relationship management (CRM) platform, audience measurement solution, online chat software, video conferencing software, office suite
Hosting provider

Transfer of personal data to a non-EU country

In the context of personal data processing implemented within the framework of browsing the Website, we use processors whose registered office is located outside the European Union. Your personal data may therefore be transferred outside the European Union, which are regulated.

Recipient Country Type of guarantees Link to the documentation
Salesforce United States Standard contractual clauses and binding corporate rules
Google United States Standard contractual clauses
Microsoft United States Standard contractual clauses
Zoom United States Standard contractual clauses
Tidio United States Standard contractual clauses


Identity and contact details of the data controllers

In the context of managing commercial activities, personal data processing is implemented by the entity of Groupe Videlio with which you contract or which initiated the commercial prospecting operation.

Purposes of the processing

1) Commercial prospecting

Your personal data is processed to conduct commercial prospecting actions.

The personal data processing implemented for this purpose is based on our legitimate interest, namely the development of our commercial activity.

We may collect your personal data through our partners. In this case, we will inform you of the source of your personal data as soon as we contact you for the first time.

You have the option to object to the processing of your personal data for commercial prospecting purposes at any time. Simply click on the link in the email sent to you or inform the operator who will contact you by phone.

2) Contract management

Your personal data is processed for contract management purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Managing orders;
  • Maintaining accounting records;
  • Managing after-sales service;
  • Managing disputes.

The personal data processing implemented is based on:

  • For order management and after-sales service: the performance of the contract;
  • For accounting: compliance with a legal obligation;
  • For dispute management: our legitimate interest, namely the establishment, exercise, or defense of our legal rights.

For these purposes, the collection of your personal data is mandatory, unless otherwise specified.

Duration of personal data retention

Purpose of the processing Retention period
Commercial prospecting Active base: three years from the last contact
Order management

After-sales service management

Active base: for the duration of the contract and applicable warranties
Dispute management Intermediate archiving: applicable limitation periods
Accounting Intermediate archiving: ten years from the end of the fiscal year

Recipients of personal data

The personal data collected in the context of managing commercial activities are accessible:

Internally Commercial Management
Marketing & Communication Management
Legal Management
Information Systems Management
Technical Management
Financial Management
Externally Editors of the following solutions: customer relationship management (CRM) platform, business management software, office suite
Hosting provider
Law firms

Transfer of personal data to a non-EU country

In the context of personal data processing implemented within the framework of managing commercial activities, we use processors whose registered office is located outside the European Union. Your personal data may therefore be transferred outside the European Union, which are regulated.

Recipient Country Type of guarantees Link to the documentation
Salesforce United States Standard contractual clauses and binding corporate rules
Microsoft United States Standard contractual clauses


Identity and contact details of the data controllers

In the context of recruitment management, personal data processing is implemented by the entity of Groupe Videlio that published the job offer.

Purposes of the processing

Your personal data is processed to manage applications, conduct interviews, create a resume database, and maintain the administrative file of selected candidates.

The personal data processing implemented is based on:

  • For application processing, interview management, and administrative file maintenance: the performance of pre-contractual and contractual measures;
  • For creating a resume database, on our legitimate interest, namely having relevant profiles at hand to be more responsive in case of recruitment needs.

For these purposes, the collection of your personal data is mandatory, unless otherwise specified.

Duration of personal data retention

Purpose of the processing Retention period
Application processing and interview management Active base: for the duration of the recruitment process

Intermediate archiving: applicable limitation periods

Creating a resume database Active base: two years from the last contact with the unsuccessful candidate
Maintaining the administrative file of selected candidates Active base: for the duration of the employment relationship

Intermediate archiving: applicable limitation periods

Recipients of personal data

The personal data collected in the context of recruitment management are accessible:

Internally Human Resources Management
Managers within the recruiting department
Externally Editor of the office suite
Hosting provider

Transfer of personal data to a non-EU country

In the context of personal data processing implemented within the framework of recruitment management, we use processors whose registered office is located outside the European Union. Your personal data may therefore be transferred outside the European Union, which are regulated.

Recipient Country Type of guarantees Link to the documentation
Microsoft United States Standard contractual clauses